The ERWEKA DT light Series delivers the proven ERWEKA quality in a comprehensive package for a budget for simple dissolution testing with USP method 1, 2, 5 and 6. The DTs are equipped with 6, 8 or 12 test stations and a fixed drive head (high-head), allowing easy access to each 1000 ml vessel.
The shafts can be replaced easily and the unique water bath of moulded PET is equipped with the time-proven ERWEKA water outlet for easy clea-ning. The external flow through heater reduces the influence of external vibrations and ensures a constant temperature. Every accessory that comes into contact with the dissolution sample is installed in Germany. Therefore our DT light Series has the ERWEKA made in Germany quality.
All these features make sure that the ERWEKA DT light Series offers the perfect entry-level devices for the world of dissolution testing.
The ERWEKA DT 950 Series is our first digital dissolution tester on the market, equipped with the most advanced technology for the requirements of today and the challenges of tomorrow.
With state-of-the-art embedded PC technology, the DT 950 is the first of its kind. The 7″ touch display with a modern user interface focuses the user on the most important task the DT 950 has to fulfill – 100% USP/EP/JP compliant dissolution testing, without distractions and errors. For this purpose, we have designed the ERWEKA TestAssist, an intelligent helper that guides the user step by step through the con-figuration of the dissolution test, provides assistance and makes sure that only compliant parameters can be entered.
The water bath, made of non-leaking PET, is effortlessly accessible and allows for easy cleaning.In addition to the modern user interface, the DT 950 is completely future-proof. With our “Upgrade your DT” programme, it can be upgraded at a later date – e.g. from 6 up to 8 test stations, with an automatic tablet drop or an automatic sampling station, if the DT 950 is to be upgraded to a dissolution system at a later date. A switch form low-head to high-head mode is also easily possible at all times. Thanks to the advanced embedded system, software functions for the touch display can also be added later.
With all these innovations, however, we have not lost sight of the most important thing: The DT 950 Series are 100% USP/EP compliant.
The ERWEKA DT 9510 Series is the bigger sibling of the digital DT 950 Series.
Controlled by the same embedded PC, every component of the DT 9510 is focused on reliable, high volume digital dissolution testing: The test stations (up to 14) are driven by a single, powerful motor and the big waterbath holds the temperature stable due to the thermal inertia of water. This ensures that parallel testing of two batches of samples can be done at precisely the same conditions, making comparsion between the two as reliable as possible and 100% USP/EP compliant.
With the new optional AirLift system, the dissolution head of the DT 9510 can be simply raised and lowered by the press of two buttons. Furthermore, DT 9510 Series has the same features as it‘s smaller sibiling – digital dissolution testing is done with the help of the latest version of the testing assistant TestAssist and samples can be automatically dropped into the vessel by the optinal automatic tablet drop.
The new digital Offline System for DT 950 & 9510 Series is the next step to utilize the power of digital dissolution testing. It expands the advanced technology used in the DT 950 & 9510 Series to the first step of dissolution automation: fully automated sampling and storing in vials for separate analysis.
With the updated TestAssist, the user can easily configure and start dissolution tests with automated sampling on our 7“ touch display. The design principles first introduced with the DT 950 have been applied to offline testing, making it as fast, easy and error-proof as never before. The user is guided through the dissolution test with automated sampling in few simple steps, enabling 100% USP/EP/JP compliant dissolution testing without distraction and errors and ensuring constantly compliant parameters.
The ERWEKA dissolution online systems are the perfect, semi-automatic solutions for dissolution testing with automated UV/VIS online analyses.
The DT 950 with the integrated, automated ASS-9 sampling station transports freshly sampled media directly to the UV/VIS analysis device (several brands available). There, the samples can be measured and the results can then be stored within our advanced Disso.NET dissolution software.
ERWEKA offers different types of UV/VIS analysis devices, such as the Shimadzu 1900i, the Analytic Jena Specord 210/8 or the Agilent Cary 8454. All combined with our dissolution tester DT 950 and a peristaltic pump IPC 8 and all controlled by the Disso.NET PC software.
The MediPrep 820 series offers quick and easy preparation of up to 8 liters dissolution media in less than 15 minutes. The MediPrep 1622 only needs 25 minutes to prepare dissolution media – 3 times faster than manually done according USP! In a single pass, the media for dissolution tests can be precisely mixed, heated, degassed and gravimetrically filled into vessels. Foaming media like SDS (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate) can also be used.
Filling can be done at the integrated dosing port or with the optional remote filling hand directly into the vessels.
The MediPrep 1622 additionally provides two inlets for premixed media and one outlet for wastewater. To prevent cross contamination, an automated cleaning procedure is integrated.
The ERWEKA DRT is the perfect device for testing of in vitro releases of substances from chewing gums and other dosage forms, that have to be masticated, into the surrounding liquid medium. The vertical up and down strokes of the lower jaw in combination with a revolving movement of the upper jaw provide ideal mastication of the chewing gum and at the same time an agitation of the test medium.
For manual sampling, emptying and cleaning the lower jaw with the test cell can be lowered into a down position, so that the chewing process stops. The test cell, the upper and lower jaw can then be easily removed. A water circulation system controls and regulates the water temperature in the test cell around the media. The chewing gum test apparatus is used to chew gums and analyzes then the speed at which various substances leave the gum (release). In addition, the device is very helpful for developing candy chewing gums, but it can also be used for unusual purposes such as testing of snuff bags.
As the DRT offers a modular design, any number of chewing gums can be tested with the DRT-6 at the same time, with 6 test stations the most commonly used. The cells can be equipped with additional accessories for measuring variables such as the pressure of chewing gums, torque at shear force (twisting motion), pH-value and temperature. All measurements are logged into a data collector and can then be printed out.